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Shaky foxie


Dear Julie,

My nine-month-old mini foxie trembles a lot, whether it is hot or cold. Is this normal?

Annie Nunn


Lots of little dogs will tremble and often it doesn’t have anything to do with temperature. Of course, these tiny tots don’t have a lot of fat to insulate their bodies, so they do feel the cold, but nerves are more often the cause of trembling. If your little terrier is timid or anxious about strangers or noises, some behaviour modification techniques such as positive reinforcement using rewards (food and attention), gentle handling or anti-anxiety medication can help.

The lack of body fat also means that these little dogs can become hypoglycaemic (have low blood sugar) very quickly. You could try feeding her more regularly and check with your vet that she is getting enough energy in each meal. Lastly and probably least likely, there may be a neurological component to the shaking. So if she shakes more and more or develops any other strange clinical signs such as behaviour changes or fitting, she may need some treatment. Either way, a trip to the vet is what the doctor ordered!

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