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Scary lump


I have a 7-year-old female Maltese Terrier that has a hard lump on the right top nipple. At first it was the size of a 5-cent piece, now it has grown to a 10-cent piece. She has not been de-sexed and the only other dogs she plays with are her mother and her sister next door.

— Diana


You need to have this lump checked out by a vet because mammary tumours (breast cancers) are far more common in older bitches that haven’t been de-sexed.

Also if it is growing rapidly and is firm this could indicate that it is an aggressive tumour. These tumours spread via the lymphatic drainage ducts to other glands further down so it definitely should be removed before that happens and while it is still relatively small.

Even if she only plays with females you may wish to de-sex her to prevent further tumours as well as the possibility of serious infections of the uterus (called Pyometra) that can occur after every heat.

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