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Scared dog


My eight-month-old Labrador is frightened of the vacuum cleaner and the lawn mower. I have tried giving her treats while the noise is occurring but it has not helped. Strangely, she is fine with other loud noises such as thunder and trucks. She is a guide dog puppy and I am concerned that these fears may preclude her from making the grade.

Janette Ellis


I think you need to just take things a little more slowly with those things that frighten her. Maybe someone can be inside with her while you start the lawn mower, giving her treats when she reacts calmly. Gradually increase the time she is exposed and then try taking her outside but far away from it, distracting her and just walking past. Get her to sit and reward her. If she gets regular treats for calm behaviour and learns that these noisy things don’t lead to anything bad, it will improve. It is important just to minimise stress and have an attitude of slowly does it. If she is deemed unsuitable as a guide dog (which she would be if noises scare her), she can still have a life as a Pets as Therapy or some other “giving” dog, so all is not lost!

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