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Puppy teeth


My Staffy pup has started to lose her puppy teeth and the adult teeth are coming through. My concern is that her lower canines have come through and are not yet positioned correctly as the baby teeth were. Will this change as the adult teeth grow? Will they eventually position themselves correctly as she matures? She is currently three and a half months old.

Tom Crinoid


This is the age that puppies lose their baby teeth and adult teeth come through, so don’t be surprised if you find the odd tooth around the house (or not). The adult teeth are bigger and because the puppy’s jaw is growing and changing, sometimes the teeth will have a different position. One common thing, especially with the canine teeth, is for the baby teeth to stay put and the adult ones to emerge behind. This is called retained deciduous canines and can cause crowding problems and make the teeth crooked. If they don’t fall out on their own, we usually extract them at six months when we de-sex the dog, while they are under general anaesthetic. Get your vet to check them before this time and make a plan to deal with it if it is in fact a problem.

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