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Puppy mischief


I have a six-month-old labrador who is really naughty. He pulls the washing off the line consistently. I have tried every punishment, and praise when he doesn’t do it, yet he still does it. The dog has lots of toys and is well exercised. I am running out of ideas.



Labradors are full of life and mischief, especially as puppies. There is only so much you can do and it is fairly normal puppy play behaviour. You are doing all the right things by praising him when he doesn’t pull at the washing. However, any attention — even if he is getting in trouble — can be motivation for dogs. So if you catch him in the act, certainly a stern “no”, clapping hands or a squirt with water will stop him in his tracks, but if it is after the event he will be confused and not remember.

For now, I’d suggest putting the washing up higher or using a temporary barrier so he can’t get to the washing; keep working on the obedience and giving him toys, exercise and games. Keep rewarding him when he is good and hopefully if he gets no attention he will tire of tugging at the clothes. The good news is he will grow out of it — he’s just like a cheeky toddler at the moment, exploring his environment and unfortunately creating havoc in the process.

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