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By Lucy Hine

The beautiful Persian is a quiet, gentle and sweet-natured cat that is well-behaved. Most think this is a cat that only enjoys a life of luxury, but the truth is this breed is happy to be anywhere where it’s loved and cared for.

The Persian’s soft and luxurious fur comes in a mix of stunning colours and markings ? it’s no surprise that this glamour puss is the most popular show cat in the world.

The ideal owners for this gorgeous cat are people who are prepared to groom and bathe their Persian’s glorious coat regularly to keep it in tip top condition. This is definitely a high-maintenance breed, so if you work long hours and have a hectic lifestyle, this may not be the cat for you. However, apart from its grooming requirements, the Persian is actually a non-demanding, no-fuss family pet.

The Persian is definitely suited to being a house or apartment cat, happy to lie around and enjoy living indoors. Being an indoor pet also helps keep its coat in good condition and tangle-free. This breed tends to be not as outgoing or friendly as other cat breeds but is more independent, choosing to play or be alone when it wishes.

This cat’s nature is placid. The Persian loves nothing more than spending time with its owner. It thrives on attention and will contentedly curl up on your lap for a nap while you read or watch television. It sometimes ‘talks’ to its owners with meows and is more than happy to get along with other family cats and pets.

The Persian may be easy-going, however it does not appreciate being taunted or having its hair pulled by young children. That said, the Persian can be quite tolerant, tending to just walk away when it’s had enough, rather than retaliating.

Any owner of a Persian will agree that this cat is far more than just a pretty face ? a great and much-loved companion.

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