Home Lifestyle Pets Page 48

Car trips and dog restraints

Question: Look after your dog’s health and your own — give your dog its own seat belt restraint. There are some that fit like a sling and others that clip a harness to the seatbelt clip. Answer: Save a life — a dog’s life, or your own. If you are in an accident, 35kg of […]
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Question: I was wondering if ferrets are ticklish? Our ferret, Jessie, opens her mouth and wobbles her head when we tickle her on the ribs and under the arms. Or are we just annoying her? Kelly, Raymond Terrace NSW Answer: Ferrets are quite tactile animals so I can imagine they might well be ticklish — […]
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Noisy cat

Question: After neighbours complained, we have been trying to keep our 14-year-old Burmese cat inside at night. He has everything he needs but he still miaows all night until we let him out at 5am. Is he too old to change his ways? Julie, Pelican Waters, Qld Answer: Cats are by nature more active at […]
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Socialise your dog

Question: Socialise your dog off the lead as much as possible. This is getting easier and easier, with more safe, off-lead parks being made available. Answer: Dogs can’t interact with each other the way they like to when they’re on a lead and even really placid dogs can get over-excited if they can’t engage with […]
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Allergic to cats

Question: I have a five-year-old cat and a boyfriend who is allergic to cats. He itches, has trouble breathing and can’t stay over because I share my bed with my cat. Please help – giving up either is not an option. Frustrated, Waramanga ACT Answer: If you want your man to stay over, you will […]
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Using your dog’s name

Question: Be positive! Try not to use your dog’s name in a negative way – such as when you’re reprimanding or warning your dog. Answer: You want your dog to feel it’s a good thing when you call his or her name – not a cause to be frightened or hesitant. Jeff, via email.
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Fussy eater

Question: My nine-year-old female terrier cross refuses her own food and is always stealing the cat’s food. Is it okay for her to be eating like this? Sarah, via e-mail. Answer: This is not an unusual problem – a lot of little dogs love cat food, particularly the fishy ones. It won’t do her any […]
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Dog eye problems

Question: My 11-year-old dog has cataracts in her eyes. Is it possible for them to be removed by a vet? Emma. Answer: Cataracts (stiffened opacities in the lens of the eye) are a very common problem in ageing dogs. They can cause visual disturbances and pain if there is associated glaucoma, and can even lead […]
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Fat mouse

Question: I’m writing to you about my four cute mice. I have one that is extremely overweight. She refuses to do any exercise but loves her food. What can I do about it? Amanda, via e-mail. Answer: What you may need to do is supervise her feeding or separate her only at mealtimes, because she […]
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Dog flu

Question: My dog, who is usually bright and chirpy, seems to be down in the dumps with a dry nose and runny eyes. Could this be a doggy flu? And can I give her human painkillers? Mary, Richmond, Vic. Answer: Yes, your pooch may have picked up a bug and be under the weather because […]
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