Home Lifestyle Pets Page 44

Cat moving house

Question: My two-year-old desexed cat has to move house with us soon. Can you tell me what I can and should do to make this time less traumatic for him/us? I have heard a lot of old wives’ tales about things to do — cut his whiskers, put butter on his feet, etc. Karen, via […]
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Dogs who love water

Question: I have a male Retriever who just loves water so much he tries to fit in his drinking bowl! So I bought a kids’ plastic clam and filled it up with water — cleaning it and replacing the water every day or two. Not only can Merlin drink from it, but he splashes around […]
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Anxious Galah

Question: I have a Galah who was given to me when his previous owners were not able to look after him anymore. He was somehow traumatised in his past and now will only hang onto the side of his cage and pull out all his feathers. Is there a way that I can prevent him […]
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Fractured leg

Question: My four-year-old female cat has badly broken her front leg (both bones). She has had a splint on for 12 weeks now and vets say leg is starting to mend slowly. What is the success rate for cats with this awful problem? Suzie Morrison, via e-mail. Answer: This really depends on the type of […]
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Dogs and flies

Question: Mix equal parts Dettol and baby oil with a dash of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray on dogs during the day to keep flies at bay. Answer: Judi, via e-mail.
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Fussy eaters

Question: Does your dog or cat dislike their food if it’s cold from the fridge? Well, just heat the food in their dish (non-metal) in the microwave for 10 seconds on high and then serve it to them. It works for my fussy dog. Try it! Answer: Laurinda, via e-mail.
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Biting cat

Question: I have a one-year-old cat that I love very much but she bites me all the time, and other people. She will be lying next to you and then decide to just bite, and this really hurts. She is also very timid of noises and new people. I have had her since she was […]
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Three legs

Question: Dear Dr Julie, Last week my little golden retriever had his hind leg amputated due to cancer. I was wondering if you had any special tips for an expedited recovery and any advice on possible prosthetic attachments for my dog. Thank you very much, Selina, via e-mail Answer: Oh, your poor little man. The […]
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Bathing dogs

Question: If you have a big dog such as a rottweiler, instead of bathing them in water, just put a generous amount of bicarb soda all over them. Leave for a few minutes and then brush off. Your dog will be shiny and smelling clean! Answer: Jan Forde-Kelly, via e-mail.
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Nasty cat

Question: I previously shared a house with one other female and my cat. Everything was going fine and my cat was behaving normally, until my flatmate moved out and I had a male move in. Now my cat follows him around, always wanting to sit on his lap (he never does this with me) and […]
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