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Nasty Cockatiel

Question: Recently one of my cockatiels died and the other one that was in the cage with him has turned very nasty ? like attacking people and flying at our head and body to attack. I thought they were both male birds, but maybe I was wrong. How can we get the bird to calm […]
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Missing Pet

Question: How far can a missing pet travel, or will they generally stay in the vicinity from where they escaped? I had an inside only Burmese cat, that escaped whilst on a breeding visit. I don’t know whether to keep to the same area or expand the search. I have covered all other options I […]
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The Keeshond

The Keeshond

By Lucy Hine The Keeshond (Keeshonden, plural) is a handsome dog with an alert and intelligent fox-like appearance. Of Arctic origin, in the eighteenth century it was known as “dog of the people”. Around the time of the French Revolution, the Keeshond was seen as the symbol of the common and middle-class Dutchmen, who were […]
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Scary lump

Question: I have a 7-year-old female Maltese Terrier that has a hard lump on the right top nipple. At first it was the size of a 5-cent piece, now it has grown to a 10-cent piece. She has not been de-sexed and the only other dogs she plays with are her mother and her sister […]
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Homemade cat toys

Question: You don’t have to buy toys for your cat to be happy. My cat loves the foil from the top of wine bottles, a cardboard box that has holes he can stick his paws out of, dry leaves, and alfoil rolled up into balls. Answer: Marisa
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