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Clipping in summer

Clipping in summer

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own and browse our archives. Question My six year old Border Terrier really feels the heat. I would love to be able to cut his fur during the summer but have been advised that their coats shouldn’t be clipped. What should I do? […]
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Dog grooming

Dog grooming

Have a great pet tip? Share it here and read some great tips from other pet lovers. Try buying a rubber body brush (normally for a horse) and use it to groom your dog. I find it doesn’t hold the hair and is suitable for dogs with dense coats (like the Bullmastiff). — Verity
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Should pets eat fruit?

Should pets eat fruit?

Question My mother’s dog Cindy eats apples and my cat Darcy eats strawberries. Are they both mad or is this normal? — Lynne Answer While fruit may not be considered a common dining delicacy for dogs and cats, it’s far from being the worst thing they could be sampling. Fruit is high in energy, vitamins […]
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Snoring dogs

Snoring dogs

Ever had trouble getting your dog to stop snoring? I’ve found that if you turn them on their back (mind you I have a medium sized dog) then they tend to stop. Give it a go. Dog lover
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My pup has crooked teeth

My pup has crooked teeth

Question My 12-week-old wheaten terrier pup has a crooked tooth at the front of his mouth. It’s facing inside rather than outside. Does it need to be removed? Will it correct itself? — Marzena Answer You don’t need to worry Marzena! This is a case of nature playing out before your eyes. You see, dogs […]
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Puppies and children

Puppies and children

How to prevent your child from becoming a chew toy There are a few things you need to do to ensure a harmonious family life for you and your dog. First of all, your new puppy needs to be included and to feel part of his new human family. This mimics the pack order dogs […]
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Shy cat

Question: When my cat gave birth to a litter of kittens they all grew up into happy-go-lucky cats … except for one. He has always been timid and cowers and shakes when we try to get close to him. He’s a one-year-old now and still has trouble trusting us. What can we do? Kali Answer: […]
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