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Orphaned puppy and kitten think they are sisters

Orphaned puppy and kitten think they’re sisters

An orphaned puppy and an abandoned kitten have become inseparable since being brought together at the Battersea Cats and Dogs Home in the UK, and now think they are sisters. Kitty the cat was found alone in a garden at just one day old and handed into the rescue centre. Buttons, a Jack Russell, was […]
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Obese dachshund named Obie makes US TV Debut

Obese dachshund named Obie makes US TV debut

Obie the overweight dachshund, who at his heaviest weighed 35kg, has made his TV debut in the US. The five-year-old purebred had to be wheeled into the studio on a specially designed trolley because he is so chubby. Obie was discovered and adopted by dog-lover Nora Vanatta, who explained that he has been placed on […]
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Video: Adorable pandas take turns on slide

Video: Adorable pandas take turns on slide

Have you ever seen four pandas playing on a slide? Well, prepare yourself for an absolute overload of adorable Panda behaviour, because that’s exactly what we have found! Check out the video of the pandas eagerly chasing their handler to the top of the slide and then follow her down. Even a baby panda pile-up […]
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The benefits of growing up with a pet dog

The benefits of growing up with a pet dog

Growing up with a puppy can enrich the lives of children in many ways. Providing you choose a dog that is a good fit for your family, growing up with a puppy is one of the greatest gifts parents can give a child. The many rewards of pet ownership include learning responsibility and empathy, receiving […]
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Obese dachshund named Obie makes US TV Debut

Dachshund that weighs 35 kilos on a diet

A five-year-old dachshund named Obie is on a doggie diet after his former owners almost loved him to death. The US pooch, who was overfed by his doting elderly owners, weighs an incredible 35kg. When a relative of the former owners asked for help in getting Obie to slim down, Portland resident and dog-lover Nora […]
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Choosing the right dog for your family

Choosing the right dog for your family

Getting a new puppy isn’t, and shouldn’t, be as simple a matter as heading off to the local RSPCA or pet store and selecting the one that best takes your fancy. Before you start puppy shopping you should seriously consider what factors will help you find the right fit not only for your own, but […]
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Two-legged kitten is a heart- warming inspiration

Two-legged kitten is a heart- warming inspiration

This video of a two-legged kitten playing with a ball and feather will make your heart melt. Understandably, the cuteness level of this video has allowed it to go viral on YouTube. The adorable and persevering kitten featured in the video and named Anakin, had an instant impact on her owner, Carrie Hawks, 36, when […]
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How to keep your puppy's health in check

How to keep your puppy’s health in check

If you’ve recently brought home a new puppy, you’ve probably stocked up on chew toys, a dog bed, bones and other treats. But have you thought about your furry friend’s health? There are several important steps you should take when your dog is young to ensure it stays free from diseases and other health problems. […]
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Baby and his pug have a Lady and the Tramp moment

Baby and his pug have a Lady and the Tramp moment

Bacon is obviously a delicious treat for anyone’s tastebuds, whether you walk on four legs or crawl around on your hands and feet. Just take a look at this video! Much like the famous scene in beloved Disney movie Lady and the Tramp, this gorgeous little boy and his friendly pug shared nibbles on a […]
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Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Everyone has seen their fair share of cute and cuddly kitten videos, but there is something different about the stars of the latest viral kitten video, Shorty and Kodi. Their owner Rob Moore, who lives in Toronto Canada, knew they had star appeal and many others soon agreed once he created a YouTube channel about […]
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