Forget the trends – this is how to make sure your pet is eating a complete and balanced diet Experts dish up nutritional advice for your pet.
Serial pet killer suspected in Sydney’s western suburbs Sydneysider's are horrified following the brutal murders of 20 family pets.
This neglected dog has been saved thanks to the internet Vets were shocked at the level of neglect Wanda suffered.
Attention cat lovers! You’ll be able to understand what your cat is saying in just five years It's called Meowsic.
When your pet has cancer: what you need to know The impacts can be devastating, both emotionally and financially.
Your attention: Queen Elizabeth has a new member in her corgi family Her Majesty has adopted... And we're all wishing we were born a corgi.
Experts say animal to human translators are only a decade away Amazon and futurologists suggest we could be talking to our pets in less than 10 years.
Research shows that puppies have stroppy teenage phase too Pups seem to be more like us than we think…
Did your pet’s name make the list? Australia’s top pet names revealed Buddy, Smokey and Molly all made the cut - but what was number one?