We’re all guilty of feeding out dogs a bit of leftover food here and there.
But these are the foods you should never give them because they’re actually toxic to canines.
Take note!
Grapes: they’re known to cause kidney failure and can kill within three days.
Avocado: they contain a toxin called persin which can lead to an upset stomach, breathing problems and fluid build-up in the chest.

Chocolate: the caffeine and theobromine in chocolate is toxic to dogs and can cause death. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is.
Macadamia nuts: they can cause weakness or inability to walk, especially in hind legs.
Onions and garlic: onions contain a compound that damages red bloods cells in dogs.
Apple cores: it’s the seeds that are poisonous to dogs and can induce seizures and even comas.
Bones: bones can splinter and can become lodged or even puncture the digestive tracks.

Milk and cheese: their sensitive tummies don’t produce the enzyme necessary to break down the lactose so too much can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even digestive problems.
Yeast dough: if you’re a baker, don’t let your dog have any of your uncooked dough. It can cause painful bloating in their belly.
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