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Nasty Cockatiel


Recently one of my cockatiels died and the other one that was in the cage with him has turned very nasty ? like attacking people and flying at our head and body to attack. I thought they were both male birds, but maybe I was wrong. How can we get the bird to calm down?


Losing a cage mate for a bird can be very stressful and frightening, so you will need to go gently here and it will take some time.

Make sure this bird is kept somewhere quiet at night, and away from TV, radio or household traffic. Your Cockatiel is going to need to learn to relax and trust you. Also cover the cage at night to give the sense of a day and night so you are not overstimulating the bird. A regular routine will help him (or her) know what to expect during the day.

Spend a few periods of a couple of minutes gently talking, then try opening the cage and giving some seeds or special treats so it becomes a pleasant experience not a terrifying one. After a few days or weeks extend a hand or finger and see if he will climb on, but don’t push it.

Also some birdie toys, a mirror, and birdbath will enrich his environment and prevent any boredom anxiety issues.

If you need further advice contact a bird vet who can prescribe some anti-anxiety medication for the short term while you carry on with his parrot psychotherapy.

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