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Moving house


My husband and I are moving from our house with a backyard into a city apartment soon and want to know whether our small silky terrier cross will be able to be litter trained?

Brandie Foote


There are a few ideas that can help your doggy with your downsizing. Litter training is definitely possible, but it’ll take some time as it’s basically like starting toilet training from scratch. If he’s used to going outside, you can continue this — dogs can hold on to go for wees and poos either side of the day if you have a routine and go without fail for walks at predicated times. Dogs also learn even if they go outside — they will bark at the door to tell you they are busting. My dog is a house dog but lets us know when he has to go.

As for litter or paper training, you need to look out for the signs of impending ablutions, such as sniffing, scratching and squatting, and scoop him up and pop him on the litter or paper. Every time he goes, make a huge fuss and give him a treat. He will learn that weeing or pooing here leads to great things. Expect some accidents and just clean them up, do not rub his nose in it, yell or punish him in any way — this only leads to anxiety and sneaky soiling! Repetition is the key, so start now. Also, make sure his new apartment lifestyle still offers him enough stimulation — toys and games, but also getting outside in the real world to sniff in all the exciting sights, sounds and, most importantly, smells he’ll be missing!

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