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Mouse years


What is the lifespan of mice?

Danuta Elliott


Poor little mice don’t grace this earth for very long. The lifespan of the average pet mouse is 18 months to two years, but they occasionally live up to three or four years.

While some people shriek at the sight of them or think they will contract some horrible disease, mice really are harmless and make lovely docile children’s pets. And they are inexpensive to buy and look after. Be warned that they will breed like there’s no tomorrow! Mice become sexually active at six to eight weeks of age. They show signs of heat every five days, their length of pregnancy is three weeks and they can have five to 15 in each litter. So in a very short time you could find yourself with lots of mouse cubs.

Look for healthy mice with clean eyes, mouth and bottom, shiny coat and good weight at about six weeks of age.

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