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Missing Pet


How far can a missing pet travel, or will they generally stay in the vicinity from where they escaped? I had an inside only Burmese cat, that escaped whilst on a breeding visit. I don’t know whether to keep to the same area or expand the search. I have covered all other options I think.

— Kaz


What a terrible thing to happen. I do hope you find her! Lost pets can travel surprisingly far to try and get back home, but she won’t necessarily know her way so she could have gone in any direction. Hopefully some nice person has picked her up and she is well.

You need to contact all the local (and then maybe not so local) vets and leave a description of her and your details in case she comes in. Also phone all the animal shelters and pounds around. They are busy so keep phoning them every few days to see if she has been brought in. If she has a microchip it will be much easier to trace her — they often lose collars and ID tags so it’s best to use both.

Put signs up with a photo (and a reward is a good incentive) on poles, in shops, local papers etc. There are also specialised companies you can employ that help find missing pets.

Good luck!

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