You fell in love with Marnie the Dog, your heart melted when you saw this pooch care for a newborn baby and now we’d like to introduce you to your latest pet obsession.
He’s only one but this insanely cute Persian kitty is fast-becoming Australia’s very own Grump Cat. Meet the ginger, flat-faced social media sensation that is Winston Smushface.
His proud parents, Queensland couple Jessie Jones, 26, and Nicholas Atkins, 35, keep adoring fans up to date with his adorable antics with daily posts – and we can’t get enough!
From his trademark sitting up pose to his default tongue out face and his ever-changing hair styles, Winston Smushface is truly one of a kind.
Speaking to Woman’s Day, photographer Nicholas can’t quite believe the attention his purrfect pet is getting!
“We got Winston when he was six months old as a birthday present for Jessie. Turns out he’s the gift that keeps on giving! He has been absolutely hilarious from the get go. He’s very affectionate and loves to play. He’s definitely very chill for a cat and loves to be around people. Neither of us ever imagined he’d get this much attention. It’s been really fun and entertaining,” Nicholas explained to us.
So what’s next for this charming cat? “Winston is just chilling, hard. Who knows where this will lead him but as long as there are chicken treats involved he will be stoked,” Nick promises.
Click through the gallery to check out his cutest moments! All images are courtesy of Winston Smushface’s incredible Instagram account, which you can follow right here

“That hair cut life!” Fresh from a new snip, Winston Smushface strikes a seductive pose.

Upside down kitty is super cute.

The Persian one-year-old has quickly amassed thousands of followers on Instagram. “Neither of us ever imagined he’d get this much attention. It’s been really fun and entertaining,” proud dad and photographer Nicholas Atkins told us.

And with his charming catitude, we can totally understand why. “Winston is an only child for the time being, maybe someday we’ll expand the fur family but for now we’ll just let Winnie soak up the limelight,” Nicholas explained to Woman’s Day.


Speaking to Woman’s Day, Winston’s dad and photographer Nicholas can’t quite believe the attention his perfect pet is getting!

“He’s an absolutely hilarious kitty,” Nicholas explained to us.

It turns out this cat’s owners are just as purrfect as him! How cool can one family be?!

Mummy and me! Winston shares a moment with his owner, Jessie Jones, who works as an admin assistant at Village Roadshow Studios.

Jessie is the mastermind behind Winnie’s account – so will there ever be another pet on the way for him to play with? “Winston is an only child for the time being, maybe someday we’ll expand the fur family but for now we’ll just let Winnie soak up the limelight,” Nicholas vouches.

“Thank god it’s da weeeekend!”

Pre-haircut, this ferocious feline is unrecognisable.

“My happy place…”