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Losing a beloved pet


Little over a month ago, my dog of 16 years was put down due to suspected liver cancer. It is the first pet that I can remember leaving us. Although time heals all pain and I am getting over it quickly, it still hurts me to think she won’t be sleeping on the beanbag anymore or that I won’t come through the door to see her at the top of the stairs.

I am not allowed to get another dog as I am still living at home. What do you suggest I do to help me get over her passing and move on?

Jessica, via e-mail.



It is a terribly sad time when you have to say goodbye to a beloved pet, as they’re such a big part of the family. You need to look at photos and remember all the wonderful times you had with her, and what love she gave you. Take solace in the fact that you made the decision in her best interest and she led a long and happy life.

Time will help heal the pain, but you will never forget her, or replace her. Maybe you could consider getting a different sort of pet, if your parents allow you to, or you could volunteer at a dog rescue shelter to walk and care for those doggies that don’t yet have loving owners.

When I had to put my 15-year-old family dog, Jessie, to sleep earlier in the year, I had lots of lovely letters from readers offering their support and sympathy. These pet bereavement websites might also help …




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