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Jealous dog


My husband and I are planning on starting a family this year but worry our two-year-old Jack Russell cross, Jackie, might get jealous. She adores children but can get jealous when my attention is elsewhere. What can I do to make sure she is okay with a new addition to our family?

Lisa Hunter


Often this is the case with dominant dogs and female owners. The dog thinks you need to be guarded and protected, because they think they are higher in the pecking order than you. It’s hard to say without meeting you and Jackie, but I know Jack Russells do tend to be a bit on the bossy side! It’s probably worth a trip to the vet or behaviourist to have this confirmed. There may also be an anxiety element that needs to be considered.

You need to start now teaching her to be more independent and less possessive of you. Take charge by asking her to sit and drop before she gets attention or food, walks, etc. Stopping and starting all interaction teaches her you are the boss. Of course she needs to get your love and attention as always, but on your terms. Obedience will also help control her around little ones. And get her used to playing and spending time with your husband, because you’ll be a little preoccupied with bub for a while. She will sense a change when you are pregnant anyway, but gradual changes to your relationship and still giving her plenty of time and love should help soften the blow of having to share you. Of course, never leave a baby unsupervised with an animal — you can’t take any chances.

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