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Is there a pet suitable for me?


I live in a small apartment and I travel with work — up to four days a week. Is there a pet suitable for me?

Kate Heyman


This is a difficult one because most pets want love and attention which means a commitment to being around. However, they are adaptable and will get used to other people as long as their needs are met and there is a routine they can rely on. I guess it depends on your support network — if you have someone who can come in and feed your pet when you are away then you can probably consider getting a pet, but otherwise it would be tricky. Cats are certainly much more independent than dogs but still need fresh food, water, litter and a cuddle every day. Most other furry (and feathered) friends need feeding and some care daily but fish might be a good idea — with a filter to help keep the water clean, it’s just a matter of someone giving them some food everyday. There are pet minding/feeding services around you could also consider to help you care for your pet.

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