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Hungry cat


I have a one-year-old cat who will eat anything, even pumpkin skin. We have got her on a strict diet of low calorie biscuits from my vet, but nothing fills her up. She is hungry 24 hours a day and will devour anything she can find. She has been tested for diabetes and thyroid problems and all is fine. She prefers not to exercise, even when prompted. How can I control her weight and make her healthy?



Certainly diabetes and hyperthyroidism are diseases that can cause ravenous appetites in cats, but usually not in cats this young and they usually lose weight with these conditions. I think your cat is just obsessed with eating! You have certainly done the right thing by having her on a low calorie diet, as this will minimise any weight gain while allowing her to eat a larger volume to feel full. You need to (with the help of your vet) determine what her ideal weight should be, considering her size and build. Then you can calculate exactly the amount of food she needs for nutrition. This amount can be rationed over several small meals for her during the day.

Try to play games with her to get her to move — chasing furry mice or balls or other cat toys might motivate her. Also make sure you do not reward her begging behaviour. If you feed her every time she begs for food, what will she do all the time? You got it. Instead, stick to a routine so she is fed regularly but not on her demand! See your vet regularly for weigh-ins to check that those scales are tipping in the right direction!

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