“When Turkish (who gets called ‘Turkey Boy’ or ‘Turk’) was a puppy, he loved posing for the camera.”
— Clair

“This is a picture of our much loved border collie Madison during one of her daily walks.”
— Tracy

“This is our new puppy Simba at 9 weeks. It’s true when they say ‘It’s just like raising a child’ but we love her already.”
— Angela

“This is a photo of Rusty sitting on a step on Christmas Day. Rusty is a red and white border collie and they are rare.”
— Samantha

“Here, Muppet can see I have food in my hand!”
— Lauren

“This is our girl Bear on her favourite spot, the outdoor furniture. I told her I wanted a photo, so she struck a pose and stuck out her tongue, the cheeky chops!”
— Karen

“Ruby is a playful 2.5-year-old labrador X border collie. She is very excitable but calms down so I can take a photo of her. She loves to pose for the camera.”
— Nicole

“This is my little, lovely, Gracie Grace.”
— Leisha

“This is our 12-month-old kelpie. His name is Buddy, aka Bud. He is very well-trained, therefore very well behaved. My mother even refers to him as one of the grandchildren. We love our Buddy!”
— Danielle

“Here is my little baby cockerspaniel Shakespeare who meets me at the gate every night after work.”
— Julie

“This is Heidi our beagle.”
— Stacy

“This is Tyson, our beautiful boxer, relaxing in comfort of my beanbag.”
— Rowena

“I’ve had Josie for two years and I could not have imagined a better, kinder, cleverer, more loving dog if I tried. She has the most beautiful nature. I love her very much, and she laps it up.”
— Nicole

“This is our beautiful boy, Cooper.”
— Marguerite

Pets have a way of forming an unbreakable bond — and not just with you. They are best mates with each other and, sometimes, with their toys! We celebrate pets who are Best Friends Forever.