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Hide and Seek

Your comment: Our new puppy Scooter thought he would help me out with the washing.

Sent in by: Tara Todhunter

Your comment: Ronnie on his ‘lion’ bed

Sent in by: Mette

Your comment: Alphie is a beautiful staffie cross who we rescued at the age of 5 weeks!! He is the most beautiful natured dog ever. He has a bone disorder and goes for walkies in a pram!!!

Sent in by: Emily Carruthers

Your comment: Amazing! When we found Daisy it looked as though she fell asleep reading Woman’s Day magazines. After later looking at the picture we realized what magazine she liked best! So we’re sending it in!

Sent in by: Alyssa Pinsanor

Your comment: Little Tye ready for a bath!!

Sent in by: Rebecca

Your comment: My husband came home from work early and was on the telephone. As he raised the blind he was confronted with our 6mth old Mastiff x puppy Bear looking very sorry for himself. He had apparently decided to investigate the inside of an 80cm terracotta pot. After taking this pic my husband had to carefully smash the remnant “collar” to remove it. Remnant shards of poor baby Bear’s panic were found next to the clothesline and garden shed. Baby Bear remained thoroughly subdued for the remainder of the day.

Sent in by: Deb Whittington

Your comment: My playful little kittens would enjoy investigating everything!

Sent in by: Emily Chenoweth

Your comment: This is our puppy Ella’s new favourite sleeping spot – in the basket of my grandson’s pram.

Sent in by: Maureen Jones

Your comment: Our cat Fanta loves to play hide and seek with the kids.

Sent in by: Sarah Tanmahapran

Your comment: A few weeks old.

Sent in by: Emma

Sent in by: Julie

Your comment: This is my 4 yr old Jack Russell ‘Trane’ playing in the garden.

Sent in by: Charis Johnson ———————————————————————- Submit photos of your own adorable pets here!

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