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He hates his kennel!


My dog Ted will not go into his kennel. I have bought a wooden one and a plastic one and he doesn’t like either. He has his special pillow/blanket in both, but this doesn’t help as he keeps pulling them out. He has no shelter outside except for these kennels, so when it rains he gets soaked. Do you have any suggestions?




This is a common problem with dogs, I remember my dog growing up did the same. We built this luxurious kennel and my dad lined it with carpet and put a fabric flap on the front to keep her warm and she ripped everything out and then sat in the cold! Kennels are obviously good shelter for dogs, but being social animals they would certainly prefer being close to us to protect us and to feel safe themselves. This is why they often sleep at the back door — as close to us as they can get.

Dogs that have slept in kennels since they were pups often love them and it’s something they can get used to and have as their own territory, but it needs to be just so! Try moving it around — maybe closer to the house. For a dog not used to it, a kennel may feel a bit claustrophobic or scary and it may just not smell right! Putting blankets in that smell of him is a good idea and you might try feeding him in there or regularly leaving treats in there so he associates it with positive experiences. Slowly does it though — if you try to forcibly stuff him into it, you will make him hate it even more and be taking a big step backwards.

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