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Gorgeous pups and kitties

This is a photo of my dog Bruce. He is quite the poser. Andie Elliot.

This is a photo of our 5-month-old Hungarian Vizsla, Basil. Basil’s favourite pastime is chasing sticks and proudly bringing them to us. Patricia & Adam.

As you can see, our cat doesn’t like baths. Melissa.

After a morning playing together, Zoe and Muttley both were plum tuckered out so are enjoying a nap together. Gilljill.

Thirsty work.

This is our wonderful baby boy Nismo. He is the best cat we have ever seen, he shows us so much love! Mandy Zanatta.

This is Maggie B. She’s a labradoodle and the most adorable dog in the world (in my books anyway). Justine.

Raising children has never been easy, even for a dog. See the mother in the middle with her twin pups? It has been so stressful that her furs have fallen out! Nevertheless, it is a joy to have a family. Cindy Ching.

This photo is of our late beloved pet Sharney. She was arrested for being too cute and too intelligent. We all miss her very much. Jillian Reid.


Here is one of our two staffie dogs, Ralph, relaxing and smiling in the sun. Elizabeth.

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