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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus


I would like to know if cats can get AIDS? I have a female cat — is there any way she contracted it from other cats? We have some strays hanging around sometimes and while she is inside at night she spends most of her time outside through the day.

Nicole, via e-mail.


Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a viral disease in cats that attacks the immune system, not unlike HIV. It is not highly contagious and the main mode of infection is through the saliva, transferred by bite wounds when cats fight. While we don’t know the exact incidence of FIV (because we don’t routinely test), it is higher in outdoor male cats that do a lot of fighting.

It can cause fever and transient illness initially and the infection stays with the cat for life. There may not be any further symptoms of illness (ie. it stays in a carrier state) or it may cause the cat to suffer recurrent infections later down the track. If a pet is diagnosed with this condition, it is advisable to keep it inside all the time to avoid the risk of spreading the disease and reduce the chances of the cat picking up any other infections that could worsen its health.

Unfortunately, there is no cure but there is a new vaccine that has just been released in Australia, so if you are concerned you could speak to your vet about testing and immunization.

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