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Feline friction


We have two cats, Khloee, two years, and Kahlua, nine weeks. Khloee was recently stolen and dumped far from home and I believe they mistreated her as well. She was terrified of all humans when I got her back. We have recently got another kitten for Khloee to play with but she hasn’t really taken to her. Is there anything I can do to make them happier with each other?



It sounds like Khloee has an anxiety disorder — which definitely needs to be dealt with, regardless of the intruder, but that’s probably not helping her right now. Give them their own space, bowls, bedding and litter tray so she doesn’t feel her territory is being threatened. She may also need some anti-anxiety medication to help her re-settle initially. There are also plug-in vaporisers that emit pheromones to help calm down stressed-out cats. Ask your vet about these. Give them both separate attention and cuddles, games and hopefully, eventually, she won’t bother trying to convince the kitten to leave! It is normal for adult cats to find kittens annoying. Kittens grow up and learn not to be so “in your face” with older cats — if they don’t want a swipe across the face. Nature has a wonderful way of educating young animals how — and how not to — behave!

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