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Drinking from the toilet

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How do I stop my 1-year-old cat from drinking out of the toilet? He has fresh water available but loves the toilet water. Is this good for him?

— Nicole


This is a situation you’re truly excused for shaking your head at. Your cat isn’t the first that I have known to bypass fresh and filtered water for the stuff that comes fresh and flushed.

But interestingly there is a reason for it. You see, while water has no taste to us, cats (and dogs) can actually ‘taste’ water. It has a definite flavour. And funnily enough, they prefer their water with a slight mineral or salty taste. That’s why you will often see cats drinking from puddles in the shower or on tiles. It has a stronger and more ‘agreeable’ flavour.

You could try putting out very fresh water and even adding the smallest of small pinches of salt (just a few grains). It might be enough to tempt him away from the toilet water and its bacteria that could cause a stomach upset.

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