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Doggy dandruff


While brushing my Chihuahua recently I noticed lots of little flecks of dandruff-like dry skin on him. Is there such a thing as anti-dandruff shampoo for pets? Or could this possibly be a skin condition? ? Emily


Dry flaky skin is common in pets and could be a sign of several skin conditions, depending on what other lesions, if any, he has.

Seborrhoea is a condition where there is an abnormally large production and fast turn over of skin cells leading to scaling of the skin. There are two types ? dry and oily, and your little man sounds like he has the dry variety. It can also vary from very mild to quite severe so you may not need to do much if it isn’t causing a problem.

If there are scabs or sores, redness, hair loss there may be another disorder going on which could range from parasitic infestations (fleas, mites etc), allergies, nutritional deficiencies or even hormonal imbalances. There are tests your vet can do to rule out these diseases if you feel that is warranted.

Nonetheless, using an essential fatty acid supplement in the diet, such as Mega Derm from your vet, Evening Primrose oil or other Omega 3 fatty acids can help improve the condition of dry skin and reduce inflammation. Also try an oatmeal or alovera shampoo as they can sooth dry itchy skin.

There are in fact many “anti-dandruff” shampoos available (sulphur, salicylic acid, tar or selenium based) for pets specifically formulated for the type and severity of skin the complaint. If you use one that is too strong it can lead to further problems and sometimes just switching to a natural hypoallergenic soap free shampoo does the trick if the one you are using is drying out or irritating the skin. Shampoos can be overused so it’s best to check with your vet if simple measures don’t solve the scaling.

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