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Dog flu


My dog, who is usually bright and chirpy, seems to be down in the dumps with a dry nose and runny eyes. Could this be a doggy flu? And can I give her human painkillers? Mary, Richmond, Vic.


Yes, your pooch may have picked up a bug and be under the weather because of a virus, bacteria or combination of the two. Animals also suffer from allergies, which may cause similar symptoms.

If it is viral, it’s as it is with humans – the body’s immune system needs to fight it at its own rate. However, you can help by keeping her warm and comfy, feeding her well and by keeping her fluids up.

You need to be very careful giving any human drugs to pets, as they can cause very serious – even fatal – reactions, so check with your vet before you do anything. Of course, don’t forget to give her lots of TLC!

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