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Dog doesn’t eat


My eight-year-old Maltese terrier barely eats a thing when either my Mum or I aren’t at home. He is a very slow eater anyway and won’t eat outdoors, so when Mum is out for the night — especially if she’s away for longer — it worries me that he won’t eat enough.



It sounds like your little pooch has an anxiety problem associated with separation from you or your mother. It would be worth getting him checked by a vet to make sure there are no medical or dental problems that could be contributing, but it sounds stress related. Talk to your vet about anti-anxiety medication at least for the short term and also get help with a behavioural modification program to retrain your dog to be confident and independent. Rewarding time spent by himself and not rewarding “needy” or anxious behaviour are important to teach your dog what is more advantageous for him. You can certainly help sort this situation out, you just need some help to understand and change these habits.

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