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Cowardly canine


Our dog Jazz is a two-and-a-half-year-old Weimeraner x who we picked up from the pound two years ago. She had been mistreated for the first three months of her life then lived at the pound for the next two months before we adopted her. She’s a lovely dog, however, she is constantly edgy and scared — she freezes and shakes when in a confined space such as the car and spends most of her time hiding in her kennel. Once we are walking her she is fine but as soon as we get home she hides again. How can we gain her trust and make her realise she has nothing to be scared of?

— Donna


It sounds like poor old Jazz really has some issues of anxiety that are pretty well ingrained in her personality, which is not surprising with her history. If she is hiding even at home, things are pretty bad and she would definitely be a candidate for medical intervention. There are many specific anti-anxiety medications that will not sedate her but help with the imbalance of neurotransmitter chemicals in her brain contributing to her stress. Once her anxiety is being treated you can start some behavioural modification therapy, which will teach her to be calm and have more positive associations with things.

She has learned that she can’t rely on humans and that she needs to fear all unknown things and over time you can help to change this. It will take time and you will need the help of a behaviourist. Positive rewards will be the key and not pushing her beyond what she is comfortable with. They will give you specific exercises with relation to travel, meeting strangers and individual phobias. She will probably always be a reserved and shy dog but I have seen many patients like this make huge improvements so there is hope for your hound!

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