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My maremma has a really thick, long coat and I feel so sorry for her in the heat. Is it possible to clip her? I was told it should not be done.

Marlene, via e-mail.


I get questions like this all the time from people who have been scared off clipping their pets by breeders or friends. The fact is, your beautiful sheepdog originated in Europe and that is why she has a thick coat. Dogs like this really suffer in Australian summers. As a vet I see a lot of heat exhaustion in these dogs, not to mention discomfort.

I would suggest that if your dog is not going to be a show specimen then it is fine (and responsible) to clip her for the summer. I have heard arguments regarding the coat acting as an insulator (which is certainly the case in winter), but all it does is trap the heat in summer. Dogs don’t sweat like we do; the only way they can lose heat is through their paws and by panting, so they really struggle.

Speak to your vet or visit a grooming salon and they can clip the body and keep the head, tail and feet furry. I’ve got a golden retriever whom I clip and not only does he look gorgeous, he is so much more comfy. Unless your dog is going to be in air conditioning 24/7, I’d say you are doing the right thing for your furry friend!

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