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Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Everyone has seen their fair share of cute and cuddly kitten videos, but there is something different about the stars of the latest viral kitten video, Shorty and Kodi.

Their owner Rob Moore, who lives in Toronto Canada, knew they had star appeal and many others soon agreed once he created a YouTube channel about the pair. Their latest video ‘How to walk your human’ (above) is going viral.

Moore says his cats, which were both adopted from a local animal shelter, have very interesting personalities.

“Kodi acts very much like a dog: short attention span, roughhousing, growling when we play tug of war,” Moore toldWoman’s Day.

“When he grabs the end of his [leash] he will never give up and just walks away from me, pulling me behind.

“Naturally, I filmed it but it was only when I reviewed the footage that I saw he was actually walking me like a human would walk a dog, so I went with that idea thinking of all the tips I’ve heard over the years about how to properly walk your dog.”

The video, which has had more than 160,000 views, isn’t the only viral that has brought the cats fame.

“Shorty had already found a bit of fame with her ‘Cat yoga’ video but having ‘How to walk your human’ go viral and being featured on so many great websites that I visit regularly has been awesome,” Moore said.

“Now so many people are getting to know Shorty and Kodi and are falling in love with them. I guess I kind of feel like a proud parent.”

Moore says he continues to post the videos because so many people get so much joy out of his pets. He also hopes that it encourages people to adopt animals from their local shelters.

“Shorty and Kodi’s unique personalities inspire the videos, but also the feedback from their viewers who come to our channel wanting a smile or a laugh,” he said.

“When Shorty was a kitten, people nicknamed her ‘The Antidepressant Kitty’ because they said her videos made them feel better, even gave them something to look forward to.

“So, aside from just wanting to share the quirks of my cats with the YouTube world, I really wanted to keep reaching those people who needed a laugh and so it became a fun challenge to try and present Shorty, and then Kodi, in a way that first made me laugh and then hopefully others as well.”

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