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Clawing dog


My three-year-old golden retriever insists on clawing at the carpet like a cat. We clip his nails each month yet he is unstoppable. Why does he do it?



Whereas scratching is a normal behaviour for cats, it’s quite abnormal for dogs. I would say that, instead of scratching, he’s actually digging. And while it’s unlikely he’ll be able to bury a bone in the hole he’s digging on your floor, damage to your carpet wouldn’t be much chop either. So why is he doing it? My feeling would be that boredom and excess energy is the cause. You see, the challenge to dig occupies both his body and mind. Being a golden retriever, he has a near endless energy supply and would experience a form of “cabin fever” if he is kept inside for too long. The result is an urge to almost “dig himself out” to freedom and exercise. I would think that an escape plan is the best solution for him. If possible, install a doggy door, or let him outside for regular romps to burn off that retriever fever! You will get the best results if you observe when he most commonly digs (mornings/nights) and give him his exercise at that particular time.

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