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Cane toad poison


After an encounter with a cane toad one of my dogs was frothing at the mouth. I sat him down, poured three big handfuls of salt down his throat and gave him water to drink after hosing his mouth out to wash away the toad poison (point the hose towards the dog’s nose from the side/corner of his mouth to ensure you don’t drown him or force water into his lungs).


This made him vomit successfully, so I repeated the process once more with just one handful of salt to be sure the poison was expelled. I then gave him a litre of full cream milk to drink, which absorbed any nasties and settled his tummy. Half an hour later I gave him six slices of fresh bread, shortly followed by four Weet-Bix with sugar and milk.

I’m happy to report that apart from looking a little sorry for himself, my dog was just fine. My vet said I had done the right thing and my dog needed no further treatment, as I was lucky enough to attend to him within 10 minutes of his toad appetiser!

Amanda, via e-mail.

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