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Bassett hound


Our little Bassett hound is four months old and tends to wake up every morning around 5.30am barking. The only way to stop him barking is to get up and “entertain” him. The neighbours get upset with us when we just let him bark. Is there any quick way we can teach him to not bark in the morning and just be quiet until we come down?

Desperate Bassett Mummy, Lisa


I would suggest that you have a chat with your neighbours, explain the situation and ask for their patience because at the moment, by coming down and playing with your puppy, you are giving him exactly what he wants so he’s not about to stop! He wants your attention so you need to teach him that he doesn’t get it by barking ? especially at that hour! It might take just a few mornings of barking but if you don’t come down (or give any attention) until you are ready, soon your little Bassett with get bored and go back to bed. When you do come down, make sure it’s when he is quiet and then you can make a huge fuss about how good he is. It’s just a battle of the wills ? you just need to be consistent. And a little bribe to the neighbours mightn’t go astray either!

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