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Barking problem


My dog has just turned one year old and she has a barking problem. We have tried all sorts of discipline and she still doesn’t learn. She is a very yappy dog, which obviously gets annoying very quickly. What strategies could we use to stop our dog barking?



Firstly you need to work out why she is barking. If there is a specific trigger or it’s due to anxiety or boredom, punishment won’t do anything and could make things worse — remember that barking is perfectly normal for a dog, it is how they communicate! Make sure she is getting enough exercise — walk her at last once a day and play games, give her toys and chews to keep her occupied. Don’t reward the barking with attention. If you feed her or give her attention to shut her up and ignore her when she’s quiet, what do you think she will do? If anxiety could be playing a part, get your vet to assess her — they can give you more ideas on what she might be trying to tell you!

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