My cat has been losing hair from her stomach and thighs. The hair loss started 16 months ago when my son was born and is steadily getting worse. I assume she is stressed. How do I calm her and stop her over-grooming?
Suzanne Casson
I think you are right on the money thinking that this is stress-related, and this is a very common problem. Cats are fastidious groomers at the best of times, but some anxious individuals use it as a means of releasing nervous energy (or at least as a distraction from the source of the tension) — a bit like a person biting their nails. It can become an obsessive compulsive condition over time. You need to try some anti-anxiety medication (anti-depressants, not sedatives) with her and give it four to six weeks to work. There are pheromone vaporisers available that can also help anxious cats. Give her some quiet cuddle time when your bub goes to bed to let her know she is still safe and loved. Get your vet to check the skin just in case something else is going on with the skin at the same time.