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Bailee’s bones


Dear Julie,

My cute little puppy Bailee is about eight months old. However, when she wakes up in the morning, she seems to have the bones of an eight-year-old dog. Is it normal for her to be stiff or is there a bigger problem?



Although many animals need to stretch a bit when they first wake up, a young pup shouldn’t really be that stiff in the morning. Is she limping on any limbs or showing signs of pain? I’d suggest that you take little Bailee to the vet for a thorough check-up. They can palpate (feel) all her bones and joints to see if there’s any pain, joint instability or restricted range of movement. As well as physical joint problems from injury, problems can also arise from congenital or genetic abnormalities and systemic viral infections, so all possibilities need to be considered.

If necessary, your vet can take some X-rays to check for any bone or joint abnormality. This way, you can rule out potential problems and treat any conditions early, to avoid things getting worse. Dietary deficiencies may also play a part in some bone abnormalities, so discuss what your pup’s eating with your vet to make sure it’s complete and balanced.

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