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Why Yummy Mummies ain’t all bad (in fact, this is why it’s kinda great)

Ladies, read before you rage.
Yummy Mummies

I don’t think there has been a reality TV show that has created as much controversy as Yummy Mummies.

Even before it had aired, a petition was launched by the Australian Breastfeeding Project to have the show banned following Adelaide mum-to-be Maria’s declaration that public breastfeeding should be illegal (an antiquated view that I certainly don’t agree with).

So it was with baited breath, as the editor of Mother & Baby magazine, that I sat down to watch the first episode last night.

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I was expecting complete car-crash television and while there were certainly elements of that, what I wasn’t expecting was the sweet undertones that were knitted through the show as these four women undertake the biggest journey of their lives.

Now before you throw your six-month-old’s pacifier at your (TV/phone) screen in protest, just hear me out…

Yes, it’s excessive (I mean, who needs that many designer baby clothes?!) and the storyline is contrived (like, when Maria invites Melbourne Insta mums to her baby shower…).

However, amid the OTT baby nurseries and $99K push presents (!!!), these ‘yummy mummies’ have the same fears, concerns and excitement as we all do when we’re having our first baby.

Take Melbourne mum Lorinska, for example. The look of pure relief during her final scan when she’s told the baby is in the right position for a natural birth, following by sheer joy as she listens to her baby’s heartbeat during her final scan, is one all mums can relate to.

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^^ Don’t believe us? Just watch.

Yes, all these women will have a HUGE reality check coming once bub arrives (some more than others), but think back to when you were pregnant – didn’t we all?

This is why I’ve decided to look beyond the excess and bask in the glow of their pregnancies.

Perhaps you should too…

What do you think of Yummy Mummies? Tell us by commenting on our Facebook page.

Yummy Mummies airs Sundays at 9pm on Channel 7.

For more about the ins and outs of motherhood, LISTEN as host Claire Isaac quizzes Rhian Allen, the Founder and CEO of The Healthy Mummy, on ‘How To Be a Mumpreneur’ in the first episode of our ‘How To Be…’ podcast.

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