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Women are the breadwinners in modern-day families

Women are the breadwinners in modern day families

One in four Australian “dual-earner” families now has a female as its major breadwinner, a new report has found.

The research shows that the number of Aussie households where women earn more than their partners has increased by 140,000 in the past 10 years.

Tasmania is leading the way, with 35 per cent of women in dual-earner households earning more than their men. Western Australia has the lowest proportion, at 18 per cent.

The Income and Wealth Report by AMP and the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, also found that in the past 10 years the number of families with two working parents has risen to 58 per cent.

The report’s lead author, Rebecca Cassells, says family life in Australia has changed over the years.

“Today’s modern family usually starts with a couple living together before marriage, perhaps deciding to delay having children, and when they do start a family, while it’s more common for women to be the primary carer, most mothers will quickly return to work, at least part-time,” Rebecca says.

“Given the enormous changes that have occurred over the past century, we can only begin to imagine how families will evolve in coming years.”

The report, which explores the changing shape of Australian families, found that the number of blended families has doubled over the past 10 years.

However while this number has increased, the divorce rate has stabilised and marriages are now lasting an average of 12 years, up two years from 10 years ago.

Your Say: Who is the bread winner in your family?

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