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Woman whose newborn died donates 70 litres of her own breast milk to those in need

Ariel Matthews made it her mission after not only losing her son 11 days after he was born, but also following a stillbirth and miscarriage the year before.

Ariel Matthews is a prime example of how people can turn grief into greatness.

Following the tragic death of her 11-day-old son Ronan, the 25-year-old made it her mission to donate as much of her own breast milk as possible to those who need it as possible.

Documenting her journey on Instagram, Ariel finally announced that she managed to donate enough milk to feed three children: two whose mums’ milk never came in and another who had adopted a foster baby.

Between all three donations, it is believed that the weight of the milk has surpassed her own body weight.

“It felt really good to donate it all, especially because I would get hugs from the moms when they came to pick it up and thank yous,” she says, according to PEOPLE.

“And that the mums were trusting me to give their babies my milk— it feels really good.


“I like to know that there’s actually people being encouraged by this.”

“I’ve even gotten messages on Facebook saying this has really helped me, that I hope I can be like this.”

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