Anyone with a young child has experienced their fair share of tantrums. From full on blow outs at the supermarkets to screaming fits at day care, we’ve all had to live through comforting a toddler through a distressing period in their short, mostly care-free lives.
Whilst the reasons behind some of their little spats might be legitimate (you washed their favourite shirt, come on), some are downright perplexing.
Father of two, Greg Pembroke, knows this well.
He’s the man behind the internet phenomenon, ‘Why My Kid Is Crying’, which has spawned two best-selling books and a thousand laughs around the world.
With classics such as ‘I broke his cheese in half’ and ‘the neighbour’s dog isn’t outside’, Pembroke’s hilarious blog by the same name absolutely nails kid logic – or lack of it.

Someone ate all the muffins. It was him.

He asked me to put the stickers on his face. I did.

He does not want to be safe near water.

I wouldn’t buy her the “dolly” movie for Christmas.

He couldn’t have ALL the trains at the museum.

I told him he doesn’t need sunscreen when it’s raining.

He finished his chicken nuggets. I offered to get him more.

He wasn’t allowed to electrocute himself.

We took her to a Justin Bieber concert.

She wouldn’t fit through the doggy door. Note the open door right next to her.

He put himself in time out… for no reason.

He met Bill Murray.

There was a hot dog hidden in his cornbread.

She dropped a receipt we got from the gas station.

The dog was in the way while he was trying to push the chair.

He can’t find his rubber ducky.

I won’t let him eat styrofoam.

She met the President.

Greg Pembroke’s book: Reasons My Kid Is Crying.