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Incredible video captures the rare moment a woman gives birth to a baby still in the amniotic sac

When this woman's waters didn't break, doctors had to do it by hand.

Usually when a woman goes into labour, the amniotic sac which surrounds the baby breaks open and the fluids the baby floats in during pregnancy drains out – hence ‘waters breaking.’ But, on very rare occasions, the amniotic sac doesn’t break and a baby is born ‘en caul’ meaning in its amniotic sac. That’s exactly what happened for this new mum whose baby was born en caul by caesarean.

Babies born still in the sac is an extremely rare phenomenon, occurring in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births, making this moment captured on video all the more stunning.

WATCH the incredible video below. Warning: graphic content.

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The video posted by IFL Science shows doctors removing the baby, while still in the amniotic sac, from the mother’s abdomen. Giving birth to a baby still in the sac is perfectly safe, the doctor or midwife will break the membrane that surrounds the baby manually, which is exactly what happens in this video. When the doctor bursts the bag, the amniotic fluid – a clear, straw-coloured fluid which is made up of mostly water and tiny amounts of the baby’s urine – drains from the sac. It’s a amazing, must-see moment.

What is the amniotic sac?

The amniotic sac is the fluid-filled sac that surrounds and protects the baby during pregnancy, as well as providing them with fluids that they can breathe and swallow. When a woman’s water breaks, it is the amniotic sac rupturing and fluid draining. The caul – the amniotic sac – is harmless and is removed by the doctor or midwife once the baby is born.

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