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Toddler with Down syndrome nabs modelling contract

Connie-Rose Seabourne was diagnosed with Down's at two weeks old and now she is an in-demand child model.

Two-year-old Connie-Rose Seabourne is a natural in front of the camera and now she has landed two major modelling contracts, largely thanks to her contagious smile and piercing blue eyes.

According to Connie’s mother Julie Britton Connie-Rose was born two-months premature and was diagnosed with Down syndrome at two-weeks old.

“I was assessed as being at higher risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome when I was pregnant and could have had the diagnostic test to find out but I didn’t want it because it just wasn’t an issue,” Julie told The Daily Mail.

As Connie-Rose grew Julie was constantly getting told her daughter’s looks were striking and she should take up modelling.

“When I spoke to the agencies about her Down’s syndrome diagnosis, no one even batted an eyelid,” Julie told Dailymail.

Starting her little career as a child model the popular tot, from Morley in the UK, has already nabbed two modelling contracts and he mother says Connie-Rose is delighted.

“She absolutely loved it. She follows direction very well and she has so much fun in front of the cameras.”

But modelling is going to be Connie’s choice.

“As soon as it gets too much for her or she doesn’t like it, we’ll stop,” says Julie. “The first sign that she’s not enjoying it, we’ll stop. What she wants to do is the most important thing in all of this.”

Julie says that she is hopeful that the more people speak up about living with DS the more people with disabilities will be di-stigmatised.

“I do think people could perhaps be a little more educated about what wording to use. Connie-Rose’s disability does not define who she is.”


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