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These twins with Down Syndrome are one in a million

The odds of identical twins being born with Down Syndrome are less than one or two in a million...

The odds of identical twins being born with Down Syndrome are less than one or two in a million, so when expecting-mum Nicole Taylor discovered the babies inside her had the condition at 15-weeks, she was devastated but chose to carry on with her pregnancy.

A few months later as she gave birth to Blakeley and Brynnlee Taylor, her heartache turned to the same joy felt by all mothers when they meet their babies for the first time.

Eager to show off her beautiful little girls, the mother-of-four went to photographer Laura Duggleby who took some stunning shots of the special twins and shared the experience on her blog in a bid to raise awareness for DS.

“I asked Nicole how she responded to the news initially, and naturally she said she cried and cried and consulted family for support.” writes Laura.

“Thankfully her family has been a wonderful support system through this ordeal, especially her grandmother who also has a child with Down Syndrome.”

Baby Brynnlee was born with a hole in her heart and will need to have surgery to correct it. PHOTO: Laura Duggleby / FACEBOOK.

Like most special needs babies, the girls will need lots of care, especially Brynnlee who was born with a hole in her heart and will need to have surgery to correct it. But according to Laura, the family remains strong, largely thanks to Nicole’s “honest and open perspective on everything.”

“What a privilege it was to be able to spend time with her as she truly taught me more about love, compassion and loyalty,” writes Laura.

“These children are not burdens or outcasts, but rather beautiful gifts to this world. I truly hope more people can open their eyes to this and love them just the same!”

You can see all the pictures of these little darlings at Laura Duggleby’s website here.

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