The first-time parents couldn’t be more in love with their beautiful baby boy telling Woman’s Day, “He is a healthy and happy baby and mum and son are doing well. They are completely in love and very happy.”
Back in April Bec excitedly shared the news of the expected arrival of her baby.
“I’m 14 weeks pregnant! We’re pretty excited, because it’s taken us a little while to get here,” she told us.

For the 29-year-old and her 30-year-old husband, it’s been a difficult road to parenthood.
“We tried for a while to fall pregnant, but when I did in mid-2012, which was just before we went on The Block Sky High, I had a miscarriage at seven weeks. It was devastating,” she said candidly back in April.
Adding, “I’m a big believer in the universe working in mysterious ways and this is just perfect timing for us. We finished our time on The Block Triple Threat earlier this year and then moved into this house, and that’s when I found out I was pregnant.”
The reality TV personality still smiles about the first time she saw her baby on the ultrasound.
“The baby was jumping around,” Bec recalled. “We were laughing, thinking, ‘That’s so George’s kid! It was playing soccer in my stomach!’”
Many congratulations to the new parents!

The happy couple celebrated their bub-to-be with a stunning baby shower, courtesy of event planner extraordinaire Ashleigh K Weddings. [Pic credit/Ashleigh K Weddings]