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The beautiful babies who were born sleeping

They never took a breath or died soon after they were born, but they will live in their parents' hearts forever.



They never took a breath or died soon after they were born, but they will live in their parents’ hearts forever.

We are taking a moment to celebrate these beautiful babies and all those who were born sleeping.

Paul Murray and Sian Horstead’s gorgeous son Leo passed away 34 hours after he was born in August, 2012.


Heartfelt arranged for these beautiful portraits of Leo to be taken so his proud mum and dad had something to remember him by.

Little Leo was perfect in every way.

Natalie Morgan shared these images of her stillborn daughter Eleanor on her Facebook page earlier this month.

Newborn baby wrapped in a blanket, wearing a floral headband, peacefully sleeping in black and white.

Lovely Eleanor was born sleeping on September 11.

A woman holds a newborn baby close, both wrapped in a blanket, in a tender black and white photograph.

“All I ask of you is when you have your dark moments with your baby – when you’re at your wits’ end and feel like you can’t go on anymore when you’re only getting an hour or two of sleep a night – instead of begging your child to go to sleep and wallowing in your frustration and exhaustion, say a prayer of gratitude for your child, as difficult as it may be in that moment.”

Mother embracing newborn baby, both wearing hospital wristbands, in a tender black and white moment.

“And if you would, say a prayer for me and all the mothers whose children were taken from them too soon. Say a prayer for my sweet, sweet Eleanor who never got to know life outside my womb.”

A newborn baby holds a parent's hand.

Emily and Richard Staley’s daughter Monroe Faith, who was born still at 8.5 months gestation. Copyright: Lindsey Natzic-Villatoro/Lovesong Photography.

Mother lovingly holds and kisses her newborn baby in a hospital bed, captured in black and white photography.

Monroe Faith and proud mum Emily.Copyright: Lindsey Natzic-Villatoro/Lovesong Photography.


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